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Building a fairer greener future: insights for a just transition

Thursday 23rd January 2025
Online (MS Teams): 2 to 3pm

Two people sweeping streets, with cows on the road in the background

This webinar is a collaboration between two IEMA initiatives: the Green Careers Hub and the Diverse Sustainability Initiative. A just transition means greening the economy in a way that is as fair and inclusive as possible to everyone, creating decent work opportunities and leaving no one behind. With green technologies and renewable energy source increasing across the UK, it’s vital that everybody is given the opportunity to develop green skills and play their part.

diverse sustainability initiative logo



  • This introductory session will cover the following topics:
  • What is a just transition and what does it mean?
  • What is the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities, globally?
  • Who are the people and groups affected?
  • What is the impact of a just transition?

Looking at the Seven Steps for Climate Action, the webinar will outline how businesses can deliver a fair transition to a greener future, as well as how to engage with diverse stakeholders, bringing communities together and driving inclusive action. We’ll then also cover some real-life case studies of projects/programmes in local communities., including work in Northern England through the BITC Community Climate Fund, as well as initiatives by British Land, Suez, WJ Group.

There will be plenty of time to ask any questions at the end, so please do get involved. Everyone can be a green leader and influence change for a just transition.



  • Emma Weaver, Climate Action Manager at Business in the Community will be joining to provide a case study from their organisation; 7 Steps for Climate Action, a framework for designing and delivering a just transition. Emma will also touch on their insights from the Green Skills Lab they ran in 2024.
  • Gill Mulroe leads the operational sustainability program in the EMEA region for an investment bank,  and is a member of the SteerCo in Yorkshire and Humberside, a Fellow of IEMA, CIWM, and CMI, and a Chartered Environmentalist. Gill’s work integrates environmental impact with diversity and inclusion, ensuring everyone is part of the journey.

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IEMA is the membership body for environment and sustainability professionals